Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Last week we learned all about...


     Last week we learned all about science and making a hypothesis. We talked about how scientists observe change and they use their senses to do so. So we conducted some experiments of our own and used our senses to observe and made some hypotheses of our own!

In one experiment, we created gas. We made some hypotheses, or best guesses at what would happen to our balloon in this experiment.  Lorenzo was my lab assistant for this one! Check out the procedure below...

First we observed the balloon BEFORE the change. We then drew pictures of the balloon before the reaction.

After we poured an inch of vinegar in the bottle, we added two teaspoons of baking soda.

Here we are observing TWO changes- the bubbling of the vinegar and baking soda AND the balloon getting bigger!

After we observed the change, we drew a picture of the balloon and talked about what we did in our procedure and why there was a change.

In another experiment found out what happens when you mix two colors together. We observed and took notes on what the cup of water looked like BEFORE, then added a new color and colored what it looked like AFTER. We all had lots of fun making our own hypothesis about what color the water would change to.

Shannon observing and taking notes of what the water looks like BEFORE the change.

Anthony and Ms. Carol adding yellow to blue to make green!

We also learned about how scientists compare and contrast when observing. Here Lorenzo is observing how the two cups of water are different, or contrasting.

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